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Afterwork "Real estate in Benin: opportunities, security and financing": a success beyond all expectations.

As announced, a captivating evening dedicated to exploring investment prospects in Benin's real estate sector took place on November 02. An incredible opportunity to exchange ideas, share high-level business information and network with Africans in the diaspora. Find out more...

Our partners

Who are we?

The Republic of Benin has embarked on a process of structural transformation of its economy.

The effects of this modernization effort are creating an attractive climate for investment promotion through incentives in the Investment Code, the Special Economic Zones Act and the SME Development Act.
The ecosystem is now more than conducive to initiatives aimed at creating Modern, Eco-responsible and Prosperous Industries.


As our name suggests: WEST and GATE, our ambition is to open the doors of this vast region to foreign companies wishing to carry out all types of projects on the continent. But beyond that, we remain deeply African.


To be a benchmark partner in West Africa (Francophone and Anglophone) for business consulting and services.

Our strengths


A vast business network on the Continent through consular institutions

Our dynamism

A good knowledge of legislation

Our expertise in approval processes for special regimes and zones

Good access to decision-making centers

A network of partners in the fields of business law, finance and management

Our services

Business management

Business intelligence

Due dilligence

Tourism & culture

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Our skills

Commercial intermediation

Commercial intermediation refers to the activity of acting as an intermediary between the parties involved in a commercial transaction.


Decision-making information

Business intelligence aims to provide decision-makers and managers with accurate, timely and meaningful data on company performance, market trends, customer behavior, internal operations, competitors and other relevant factors.


Market Research

Market research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data and information to assess the characteristics, size, dynamics and trends of a specific market.


Business networkingBusiness

The aim of business networking is to facilitate business opportunities, promote exchanges and create synergies between the parties involved.


Business facilitation

Business facilitation aims to eliminate obstacles and potential frictions, create an environment conducive to doing business, and encourage the realization of mutually beneficial agreements.


Marketing Communication Support

Marketing communications assistance is a service designed to help companies plan, execute and manage their marketing and communications activities.